Machinists 837

Organize Your Shop or Place of Employment


To contact the District to provide an organizing lead, please use one of the following methods:
On-line email
Print form and mail or hand in
Call: 314-731-0603 ext. 106

The IAM believes that the Union is more than just a group of people working together for an employer. It is a second family that sticks together when times are tough and celebrates together during times of victory. Membership in IAM represented shops have helped tens of thousands purchase new homes with the new buying power that comes with increased wages. Many more have sent their kids to college on the wages earned and quite a few have even went back to finish college themselves. Millions of Retired Americans are living out their life's dreams thanks to negotiated retirement benefits and retiree medical plans gained in active participation in the IAM.

And every day, in every state, you can find thousands of IAM volunteers raising money for those less fortunate than themselves. The IAM CARES.
Not just about the membership, but about all Americans. That is why, whenever natural disasters strike, you can almost always find a Unionized worker or workers pitching in to help out. In the IAM, we understand we are only as good as we treat those around us who are in need of assistance.

So what does it take to become an IAM represented employee? There are many steps required, but the first step is in you taking the time to contact an IAM Representative trained in Organizing the Unorganized. You can make a start by calling Mike Lloyd at 314-731-0603 extension 106. Mike will discuss with you the importance of becoming an organized labor force and gather some initial information that could lead you and your co-workers to better pay, better benefits, and a better life.

Kurt Manns Receives Award for Organizing Lead

Membership in the IAMAW allows for economic growth at the personal or family level. Statistics show that unionized places of employment brings economic prosperity to the working men and women of America. Take a look at the comparison chart here to see the startling difference a Union can make.

It Pays To Be Union

This chart graphically shows the how Americans can begin to share the economic wealth of America that is created by the working persons blood, sweat, and tears. By contacting the IAM and asking for information on organizing your place of employment, you can begin to get a bigger piece of the American pie yourself.

But a Unionized shop is not just about weekly or monthly wages. IAM negotiated contracts look to share the American Dream too. As the IAM Representatives negotiate contracts, they take into consideration everything from working conditions and safety in the place of employment to how much time you can spend with your families and the costs associated with medical benefits throughout the working years and into the Golden Years of Retirement, The chart below compares a few of the added bonuses an IAM negotiated contract can give you.