Machinists 837

Mike Edwards

Business Representative

 Mike Edwards







Mike Edwards joined the IAM soon after hiring into McDonnell Douglas in 1974. He spent 14 years a SMAR and the following 15 years as an Assembly Inspector.

Mike is currently serving as a Business Representative for District 837 and is assigned to Human Rights, Community Services, New Technology, Outsourcing, and Back-up for Women's Committee.

Mike's long career with the District has seen him in a wide variety of positions. He has held the positions of Shop Steward, Plant chairman, St. Louis Labor Council, Local Lodge Auditor, District Delegate, PAC Delegate, New Tech Delegate, District Human Rights Delegate, Local Lodge 837 B Human Rights Delegate, and the District Community Services Committeeperson.

This wide range of experience has given Mike a good perspective on what it takes to serve the membership. Mike's sporting hobbies include football, swimming, and baseball.

In addition, he volunteers time to work with disabled children, elderly citizens, and other activities that promote the health and well-being of his community.

